The Nova Theater and Harp Gallery

MetaHarpers operates our own unique public theater in an art-deco style in the Miramare region, in the heart of historic Nova Albion city. The building is an original design by Gabba Loon and Eolene Uralia. Arrehn Oberlander has scripted the stage to allow anyone to use the venue for their own music streams and impromptu events. Reserved events may be scheduled here upon request! Send requests to Vicki Firecaster.
Fly up to the roof of the Nova Theater to see the Harp Gallery, a visual display of some of the various creative metaharps various people have built and shared with us over the years. If you’re thinking of building a harp yourself, you might go here to see what kinds of metaharps others have put together.
Harper Woods

Harper Woods began as a personal project space for a few harpmakers and eventually grew into a surreal land and sea environment with numerous surprises.
Now open to the public, Harper Woods features a small wooden area with springs, a beach with a whale ferry, a rez area for sailing the original SL rivers, a hot springs island with cafes and rockets, undersea gardens and submersibles, and a large treehouse, swimbar, and hangout raft.
Immersive Interactive Theater 2.0

[Under Construction through 2019]
The interactive theater is a gallery that showcases the unique capability of our MetaHarp Show Tools suite to capture live multimedia dance events and replay them as an on-demand gallery for anyone to experience.
For 2019 we’re redesigning our Interactive Stage exhibit in the Idle Rogue region to be even more immersive and amazing. The new experience will feature wrap-around views and host both live events as well as on-demand content to any visitor. We will provide updates here when the gallery is reopened.
Our Nova Albion Mini-Exhibits:
Scattered throughout the historic virtual city of Nova Albion, MetaHarpers hosts public galleries and offerings of urban kindness including:
- Harper Point Park, Thea Dee designed this seaside park for all to enjoy. She is no longer with us and some use the park as a memorial. Includes a place to rez vehicles for exploring Nova city.
- Shoe House. This is the original work of Harter Fall, a long time denizen of the city from the wild days.
- Kay Garaguru has gifted us with an inspirational original mesh scene. Kay was an early pioneer of mesh building in SL and has written some tutorials.
- The MetaHarpery Building, original by Gabba Loon. Here can be found occasional advertisements of cultural events, current MetaHarper projects, and some group-related vendors. Enjoy the rooftop hangout overlooking the city center.
- Seasons Change, by Vicki Brandenburg. Look for loose screws for a few surprises.
- Ancient Minefield, by Arrehn Oberlander. Large version of the popular “Minefield” game done in the style of runes which told the story of Miramare’s founding.
- The Olde Harp, by Jessikiti Nikitin. A simple riverside pub on the other side of town, known for its blues pubs and historic zombie infestations.
Also while you are in the Nova Albion city region, visit our friend Fukuju Amaterasu’s “The Prodigal Daughter Returns” island park and place of meditation, along with “CAFE JACK“, the work of Salazar Jack, Nova Albion’s designer and mythologist from the deep SL beta years.
Past Major MetaHarper Projects:
MetaHarper Modern / CoolOcean skins for Firestorm Viewer (2013+) This was an attempt by Arrehn Oberlander to make Second Life feel more immersive by making as much of the external viewer UI as color-desaturated and transparent as possible, on the theory that the virtual world content would pop out more. It was the first “Viewer 2.0” skin to use transparent toolbars.
The Inspiring Orientation (2012-2015) This was a full-sim concept piece, to introduce new users to core SL navigational skills using all-original scenes created by some of the most famous names in the SL artist community. Technically it also showcased destination portal technology to show off some of the most interesting places to go in SL in different categories, well before this concept started showing up in SL’s official onboarding areas.
Chasm Deep Mayan Future (2009-2012) This was a full sim concept piece envisioning a working community with housing, public areas, building sandboxes, and well developed roadways connecting to SL’s major continents. The concept was steeped in mythology and stylistically portrayed a fictional advanced Mayan civilization that became obsessed communicating to the stars.