MetaHarpers is a casual, non-profit, easygoing group of individuals. We seek out highly imaginative works in Second Life, contribute our own when the mood strikes, and explore how virtual worlds enable new fusions of technology and art.
We help new players find interesting artistic places within the virtual grid, and also help veterans keep up with the imaginative art scene and get involved in various creative projects.
This group is open-invitation. That means anyone is free to join. You are encouraged to invite your friends! You don’t have to know how to build in order to join, just have an interest in original creations around the grid. If you do know how to build or are in the process of learning please do consider creating a MetaHarp! There’s always room for one more and it’s a great way to meet some new people.
Sometimes we do projects as a group, otherwise we celebrate the projects of our members. In recent years we’ve been creating tools to help others make great things. Proceeds from tool sales help fund our galleries and public virtual property holdings.
For further information about joining and our projects, explore the links the sidebar and explore the pull down menus on this website.