Over the weekend I experimented with yet another method for avoiding script lag from rezzed, scripted objects.
Does this effect you?
You may not realize your region suffers from rezzed object script lag. This is a large topic but for a quick test, do this: Wait till your region has only a few avatars on it. Open up the performance monitor in your viewer with control-shift-1. Scroll down about 2/3rd of the window, and find the line that says ‘Scripts Run”. If this number is lower than 80%, Your region likely suffers unduly from rezzed object script lag.
Ok, so what’s the news?
I’ve been experimenting injecting a script into rezzed objects. The idea is that this script that can stop and stop the other scripts inside that object, on demand.
This would allow you to do things like stop all non-essential scripts in the sim during the hours it was hosting a performance.
I tested pausing and resuming scripts within objects managed this way, as well as setting up exclusion zones, so you could say “I want to pause all scripted objects more than 100m away from my theater”. This would allow all your performance objects to continue to run.
The starting and stopping mechanism is more like a “pause” and is not destructive like a script reset is. When the managed objects are resumed, they pick up processing where they left off.
One drawback to this method is that it can only be used for objects where the owner has MOD rights, and is only efficient for managing objects with 2 or more scripts inside them. Even so, early research is that it could make a significant impact on script lag from rezzed objects.
What might be next?
At this point I’m like to hear from you if you’re a region owner who might be interested in using this method to control script lag. If there’s interest there is some advanced potential, for example building a system that pauses some kinds of low-priority scripted objects when their owners are away and unable to notice.
Until Soon, -Arrehn